Honeypot Detector for BSC

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Checking for Honeypot: Trading is closed
Error: Wrong response id 881dba30-7506-43b3-9ae6-4041c3c8f9ee (expected: 5) in {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":5,"method":"eth_call","params":[{"to":"0x2bf75fd2fab5fc635a4c6073864c708dfc8396fc","from":"0x8894e0a0c962cb723c1976a4421c95949be2d4e3","value":"0x16345785d8a0000","gas":"0x2aea540","data":"0xd66383cb0000000000000000000000005e4f4a2cb136b2502a785cf281404231ef0290b0"},"latest"]}
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How does it work? Honeypot Detector

Generally, a honeypot detector operation consists of a computer, applications and data that simulate the behavior of a real system that would be attractive to attackers, such as a financial system, internet of things (IoT) devices, or a public utility or transportation network. It appears as part of a network but is actually isolated and closely monitored. Because there is no reason for legitimate users to access a honeypot, any attempts to communicate with it are considered hostile.

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