Honeypot Detector for ETH

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NameRelated DEXAddressToken Price (USD)
GUSD / 3Crvcurve0x4f06...79561.00231238333407
GUSD / USDC 0.05%uniswap_v30x5aa1...5c611.00155950473081
GUSD / crvFRAXcurve0x4e43...8d931.00118328189858
GUSD / crvUSDcurve0xecdd...db071.00186680324947
GUSD / WETH 0.3%uniswap_v30x4ba9...97de0.967292539683593
GUSD / USDC 0.3%uniswap_v30x93f2...095c0.981014362540191
GUSD / WETHuniswap_v20x6124...e7010.979690434782609
GUSD / DAI 0.05%uniswap_v30x7cf1...47b91.00209475767098
GUSD / USDT 0.3%uniswap_v30x951c...a69d0.9627123291
GUSD / DAIuniswap_v20xf660...5d391.06363899980309
GUSD / USDCuniswap_v20x03b0...da351.9631752531
GUSD / USDC 0.01%uniswap_v30x0f53...515b1.00154519534686
GUSD / DAI 0.01%uniswap_v30xe82c...b18b1.28646086319696880634916455799
GUSD / WETH 1%uniswap_v30x94ad...a9041.0338274484036
GUSD / FRAX 0.05%uniswap_v30x5de4...34b70.993325160094265
GUSD / TKPuniswap_v20x8a52...8f6f1.00265717896401

How does it work? Honeypot Detector

Generally, a honeypot Detector operation consists of a computer, applications and data that simulate the behavior of a real system that would be attractive to attackers, such as a financial system, internet of things (IoT) devices, or a public utility or transportation network. It appears as part of a network but is actually isolated and closely monitored. Because there is no reason for legitimate users to access a honeypot, any attempts to communicate with it are considered hostile.

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