Honeypot Detector for ETH

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NameRelated DEXAddressToken Price (USD)
GHO / USRcurve0x4628...cc520.994660452747699
GHO / USDC 0.01%maverick-v2-eth0x14cf...6c671.00048809794405
GHO / USDC 0.01%maverick-v2-eth0xc8c9...ef271.00047759520091
GHO / USDecurve0x670a...3a610.991571993380922
GHO / fxUSDcurve0x7434...3c5b0.993563666868547
GHO / crvUSDcurve0x635e...85950.990242340884572
GHO / GHO/USDT/USDC / USDC / USDT 0.05%balancer_ethereum0x8353...b2af0.984926885
GHO / USDC 0.05%uniswap_v30x5c95...bc1d1.00004757695667
GHO / cbBTC / WETHcurve0x8a4f...d77f0.999206384994363
GHO / WBTC / wstETHcurve0x8cd5...3ee90.992212473233501
GHO / USDT 0.05%uniswap_v30x383e...b5180.998975103410119
GHO / crvFRAXcurve0xbc90...0b2d0.991091007776376
GHO / GYD 0.01%balancer_ethereum0xaa7a...f63b1.00015951451454
GHO/LUSD / GHO / LUSD 0.05%balancer_ethereum0x3fa8...e8131.01596175144754
GHO / GHO/bb-a-USD / bb-a-USD 0.05%balancer_ethereum0xc2b0...225b0.975534149441566
GHO / DMusd 0.01%sushiswap-v3-ethereum0xb6e0...ac080.9995137097
GHO / USDC-DAI-USDT / GHO-3POOL-BPT 0.05%balancer_ethereum0xbe19...67471.03824860610389
GHO / UNION 0.3%uniswap_v30x1a7c...77c31.00004865513462
GHO / USDC 0.01%balancer_ethereum0x99e7...09ac0.998629975207776
GHO / PSP 0.001%balancer_ethereum0x0061...e3390.9945362851

How does it work? Honeypot Detector

Generally, a honeypot Detector operation consists of a computer, applications and data that simulate the behavior of a real system that would be attractive to attackers, such as a financial system, internet of things (IoT) devices, or a public utility or transportation network. It appears as part of a network but is actually isolated and closely monitored. Because there is no reason for legitimate users to access a honeypot, any attempts to communicate with it are considered hostile.

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