Honeypot Detector for ETH

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NameRelated DEXAddressToken Price (USD)
PEPE / WETHuniswap_v20xa43f...ec9f0.00000701066439264177
PEPE / WETH 0.3%uniswap_v30x1195...7b580.00000705091169182631
APU / PEPE / SPX 1%balancer_ethereum0x9d0d...30ed0.00000701010952613011
PEPE / WETH 1%uniswap_v30xf239...c8a60.00000704071542874798
PEPE / PEEZY 1%uniswap_v30x5ded...66920.00000678509933932175
PEPE / USDC 1%uniswap_v30xcee3...40c70.0000069625609307205
PEPE / SHIB 1%uniswap_v30x2488...9db10.00000699202975230328
PEPE / WBTC 0.3%uniswap_v30x992c...84170.0000069473980110254
PEPE / SOTUuniswap_v20xaba1...2a2b0.00000702708199814102
ARRKY / PEPEuniswap_v20x8021...5cc80.00000702903064670098
ETH / PEPE 2.5%uniswap-v4-ethereum0xecd7...e2c90.00000662288977515142
PEPE / USDT 0.3%uniswap_v30xa7bc...88c50.00000689811608704897
PEPE / USDT 0.05%uniswap-v4-ethereum0x1b5f...aab70.00000697993077993727
PEPE / SEXY 1%uniswap_v30x81dd...de4d0.00000657355598090008
PEPE / WETH 1%pancakeswap-v3-ethereum0x3202...1d1b0.00000695519362534156
PEPE / ZIK 1%pancakeswap-v3-ethereum0x8c77...ece40.00000696718740998468
PEPE / VYBN 1%uniswap_v30x3868...6be50.00000659352157579837
PEPE / Toil 1%uniswap_v30x2d77...fbba0.00000703905348825884
$MaxETH / PEPE 1%uniswap_v30x3aaa...b9460.00000675854984554037
PURPLE / PEPE 1%uniswap_v30x2ec0...65a80.00000658258162744932

How does it work? Honeypot Detector

Generally, a honeypot Detector operation consists of a computer, applications and data that simulate the behavior of a real system that would be attractive to attackers, such as a financial system, internet of things (IoT) devices, or a public utility or transportation network. It appears as part of a network but is actually isolated and closely monitored. Because there is no reason for legitimate users to access a honeypot, any attempts to communicate with it are considered hostile.

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