Honeypot Detector for ETH

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NameRelated DEXAddressToken Price (USD)
WETH / USDC 0.05%uniswap_v30x88e6...56401.00151927594132
DAI / USDC / USDTcurve0xbebc...f1c70.994386157885314
WBTC / USDC 0.3%uniswap_v30x99ac...bc351.00138197868301
USDC / WETH 0.01%uniswap_v30xe055...939f1.00098239251718
DAI / USDC 0.01%uniswap_v30x5777...21680.99928334593982
USDC / USDT 0.01%uniswap_v30x3416...27c61.00270649934808
WETH / USDCuniswap_v20xb4e1...c9dc1.00347519909478
USDC / WETH 0.3%uniswap_v30x8ad5...e6d81.00372842580223
USDC / USDT 0.01%pancakeswap-v3-ethereum0x04c8...2d8f0.998803953915321
USDC / WBTC / WETHcurve0x7f86...829b0.991892204531127
USDe / USDCcurve0x0295...4d720.993716763950246
USD0 / USDCcurve0x1410...569f0.994789893251223
USDC / cbBTC 0.3%uniswap_v30x4548...9e491.00287767384573
crvUSD / USDCcurve0x4dec...d69e0.993873697229625
deUSD / USDCcurve0x5f6c...da940.994817016608464
DAI / USDC / USDT / sUSDcurve0xa540...fbfd0.991562500668494
PYUSD / USDCcurve0x383e...85590.994992620801568
DYAD / USDC 0.05%uniswap_v30x8b23...eec71.00128263052982
GHO / GHO/USDT/USDC / USDC / USDT 0.05%balancer_ethereum0x8353...b2af0.996254196070404
FRAX / USDCcurve0xdcef...41a20.993939678504741

How does it work? Honeypot Detector

Generally, a honeypot Detector operation consists of a computer, applications and data that simulate the behavior of a real system that would be attractive to attackers, such as a financial system, internet of things (IoT) devices, or a public utility or transportation network. It appears as part of a network but is actually isolated and closely monitored. Because there is no reason for legitimate users to access a honeypot, any attempts to communicate with it are considered hostile.

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