Honeypot Detector for ETH

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DEX Pools

NameRelated DEXAddressToken Price (USD)
renBTC / WBTC / sBTCcurve0x7fc7...971417137.232244607
renBTC / WBTCcurve0x9305...895b16928.7099201983
renBTC / WETHuniswap_v20x81fb...00b317008.6289957682
renBTC / RAILsushiswap0x5198...72d617019.1969120032
renBTC / WETH 0.3%uniswap_v30x3cb7...dc4f16786.4220628234
renBTC / USDCuniswap_v20xdd71...fafa16973.8160428307
renBTC / WETHdefi_swap0x3087...a2ce17453.3215789544
RAIL / renBTC 1%uniswap_v30x7926...a59217012.389125747
renBTC / WBTC / sBTC 0.02%balancer_ethereum0xfead...cc5643013.9167533944
renBTC / WBTC 0.05%uniswap_v30x3730...aa7f58100.3987457215
renBTC / WBTC 0.01%uniswap_v30xeb1f...2a2f67800.5509441805
CRO / renBTCdefi_swap0x5d30...646617216.7904697538
renBTC / DAIuniswap_v20x7f4b...d26b17777.8412237389
renBTC / WETHsushiswap0x0289...bdaa15806.0669360917
renBTC / WETH 0.05%uniswap_v30xda2b...7ac329653.5925511035650622907850854384
renBTC / WBTCsushiswap0x518d...06c529020.4939925522
renBTC / WBTC 0.3%uniswap_v30x7cf8...b7cd18102.38192896878194660791449
renBTC / silsushiswap0x7088...748418472.8210155292979278198530880946761981223020614816683693843209268720178886887116049710249
renBTC / WBTCuniswap_v20xf12c...30cf37721.1945604752
renBTC / WBTCdefi_swap0x3200...751837647.1660971145

How does it work? Honeypot Detector

Generally, a honeypot Detector operation consists of a computer, applications and data that simulate the behavior of a real system that would be attractive to attackers, such as a financial system, internet of things (IoT) devices, or a public utility or transportation network. It appears as part of a network but is actually isolated and closely monitored. Because there is no reason for legitimate users to access a honeypot, any attempts to communicate with it are considered hostile.

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